MarketCI Landing

What's In The Works?

Q1 2022

Expand Company Selection, Watchlists,

and more

Currently, MarketCI was launched with the focus on our dashboard. We recognize you want more choice and we plan on bringing it to you. As well as a more customized user experience.

Q1 2022

Company Screener

Right now MarketCI doesn't have a screener to search for new companies. Based on our API outputs and other Data we will build an advanced screener for more investment options based on your parameters.

Q1 2022

Expand Social Media Presence

We want to build out our online community on social media platforms and begin our blogging process to provide financial literacy

Q2 2022

Crypto Research

In addition to stocks, as the crypto community grows, so does it's demand for research. We want to tweak our algorithms and add a dashboard for your one stop crypto shop.

Q3 2022

Customizable Models

Currently, parameters in models are pre determined, however, you might want to adjust these. We want to give you that power and allow for inputs to be made so that you can run models however you like.

Q3 2022

Feature Voting

MarketCI runs on the idea of continuous integration for our community. We want a voting feature to build out components that you want to see and use.

More to Come...

MarketCI Landing