MarketCI Landing

About Us

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About Company

Our Mission Is To Close the Gap of Financial Information Between Consumers and Corporations

We believe that in the age of information, individual investors should have access to similar tools that corporations do. Cash flow models, sentiments, and AI forecasts to name a few. We do all the heavy lifting with algorithms so you don't have to and can focus on the information outcome that will help drive your investment decisions.

Build by Individual Investors for Investors

As someone who worked in the financial industry, a lot of the information here is akin to that used by these companies to invest.

High Quality Analytics

Everyday we adjust and update our information so you have access to the most up to date analysis for your decisions.

Get Started
Why Did We Make MarketCI?

Giving Individuals Access to Quality Algorithmic data. How do we do it?

Analysis Components

Neural Nets, Discounted Cash Flows, Language Processing and other Financial Analysis all in one platform.

Save you time

You don't have to write code or build excel sheets to value companies, let us save you time and energy by doing it for you.

Creative Team

Our Expanding Team

Member Photo
Erik H. Thornborough

CEO & Founder

MarketCI Landing